Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Amazing ocean phenomenon

Have you ever seen something like that?

PIC: Worses Logos

You think you know how looks like the worses logo.
Lets compare our expectations.

All of them presents companies which a not related to any sexual products or services.

Monday, August 27, 2007

PIC: Amazing Trees

Just some photo of amazing trees.
Some time nature is very funny.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Urban Art (Huge pictures on the buildings)

I’m just wondering how he can fill whole picture when he draw it.
It is amazing work. I wish all streets to look like the ones on the pictures.

One word – AWESOME.

Aircraft Prototypes

Some aircraft prototypes you have never seen. Just look on them. Some ideas are very interesting and you can find some similar thing with nowadays aircrafts.

PIC: Just more urban art

Why our streets needs to be just so ordinary. It is wonderful when people make such things.



Thursday, August 16, 2007

VIDEO & PIC: Forcing a light bulb to burn without any wires/leads/conductors

It is not a fake or a joke.

Some guys from St. Petersburg University do amazing things:
They force a light bulb to burn without any wires/leads/conductors.
The most amazing thing here is that they use just “naked” light bulb without anything else.

See below:



May be somebody knows how they do it, if so tell me please.

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